Physician & Hospital Alignment

Physician & Hospital Alignment

“Alignment” is a trendy word in the healthcare industry today used to describe the concept of various forms of collaboration between hospitals and their physicians to work together to provide exceptional quality care to patients with attractive results. Although this...


There has never been a time of greater emphasis on performance and quality in healthcare than there is today. The Affordable Care Act (ACA) of 2010 and various insurance payers have created “pay-for-performance” strategies that are intended to put financial pressure...


HospitalMD has been providing our Hybrid Medicine program since 2004. To our knowledge we were the first to commercially implement such a practice. As we have redesigned and improved our model over the years, we have invested significant time in developing training...


A key component for HospitalMD to achieve the levels of success with our Hybrid program we expect and that our clients deserve is Purposeful Leadership. Leadership is not a unique topic, and although everyone understands the importance of leadership, providing that...
Maximizing Revenue

Maximizing Revenue

Rural hospitals across the country continue to see declining revenues, and although there are many areas of a hospital that contribute to this decline, the decline in inpatients generally results in the largest revenue erosion. This decline in revenue is having a...